Stop Obsessing over To-do Lists & Start Focusing on Support Systems!

For those who are serious about creating change and building dreams in our lives this year, the month of June is important because it combines the powerful energies of both Spring and Summer which help you prepare for the fiery hustle of Summer (that will make or break your success for the year)!

🌱SPRING🌱 helps you tap into the energy of excitement and possibility so you can get inspired and determine exactly WHAT (aka. the big dreams and visions) you want to create over the year, and nudges you to start experimenting with HOW you might create it.

☀️SUMMER☀️ helps you tap into the fiery energy of focused, consistent action, and so you’re forced to decide exactly HOW you want to show up and strategically create your vision/changes this year (so you don’t burn-out or give up before creating them… which is what happens to many)!

And as June combines these Spring + Summer energies 🌱☀️, it’s time to…

✔️ REFLECT ON + INTEGRATE all of your experience and lessons from early Spring and the disruptive Eclipse season,

✔️and RECALIBRATE YOUR STRATEGIC “CONSCIOUS CREATION” PLAN to guide exactly HOW you plan to show up to consistently grow what you most want to manifest or change this year (this may have shifted from what you thought in January)!

And yet the ONE BIG MISTAKE I see so many people make that sabotages their ability to successfully create their dreams in the second half of the year is this…

👉They don’t integrate the feedback and lessons they’ve learned in the first half of the year to re-create a more strategic CONSCIOUS CREATION PLAN in June, before getting swept up in the fiery, action-oriented Summer energies.

👉And then they end up trying to non-strategically hustle their way to their goals and dreams, and burning-out way before they reach the finish line!


First let’s talk about what a Strategic Conscious Creation plan IS NOT.

  • ❌ it’s not a never-ending list of random goals, tasks, to-do’s, and ideas that just keep moving from one week to the next.

  • ❌ it’s not a plan that triggers massive resistance, stress, overwhelm, or procrastination as you strive to take action each day and week.

  • ❌ it’s not a plan that leaves you exhausted at the end of every day, so you never quite have enough time or energy left to create the bigger changes and dreams you excitedly put on your Vision Board!

❌MASSIVE & PERSISTENT RESISTANCE❌ is often a sign that you’re striving too hard and need to pause & PLAN A MORE STRATEGIC WAY (with more aligned actions) to build your dreams!

A Strategic Conscious Creation Plan IS a plan that:

  • ✨ feels EASEFUL and allows you to show up and TAKE CONSISTENT ACTION in an ✓ALIGNED and ✓SUSTAINABLE way.

  • ✨ allows you to feel GROUNDED, RESOURCED, and HAVE ENOUGH TIME + ENERGY to both maintain (and enjoy) your life, and build your dreams (without massive resistance or constant burn-out)!!

  • ✨is comprised of EFFICIENT + SUPPORTIVE SYSTEMS that work together to conserve your time + energy (not random actions and to-do’s that waste time + energy).

A NON-STRATEGIC Conscious Creation Plan is ▷ inefficiently EXTRACTIVE😵, and it takes more time + energy than you have to give each day and week (which is why it leads to big resistance and burn-out)!

While a STRATEGIC Conscious Creation Plan is ▷ efficiently REGENERATIVE😎, and allows you the time, space, + resources you need to rest and replenish yourself each day and week.

A NON-STRATEGIC Plan ▷ has you working HARDER, not smarter🤕!

While a STRATEGIC Plan ▷ helps you work SMARTER, not harder🤓.

And finally, a STRATEGIC Conscious Creation Plan is ▷ built on STRONG FOUNDATIONS which allows it (and you) to adapt and endure through the natural ups, downs, and unexpected things in life.

While a NON-STRATEGIC plan ▷has little foundation or endurance (and falls apart easily!).

To successfully build your dreams this year you don’t need more goals or to-do’s. You need a strategic CONSCIOUS CREATION PLAN with more SUSTAINABLE SYSTEMS & SUPPORT!

And so this June, I invite you to ask yourself…

❓❓Do I have a “Strategic Conscious Creation Plan” that will support me in taking sustainable, easeful, and joyful action to build my dreams through the rest of the year?

❓❓Or, do I have a non-strategic plan that constantly triggers massive resistance + overwhelm… and leaves me no time to both enjoy my life AND build my dreams, without chronic stress and burn-out?!

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